40 modismos rusos esenciales para agregar a tu vocabulario

40 modismos rusos esenciales para agregar a tu vocabulario

Las expresiones idiomáticas son una parte esencial del idioma ruso. Desde expresar emociones hasta transmitir información, los modismos rusos juegan innumerables roles en la comunicación diaria. Aquí hay una lista de expresiones idiomáticas que debe saber si desea comprender (e impresionar) a los hablantes rusos con fluidez. Incluso cosas simples como decir buenas noches tienen múltiples versiones.

Algunos de los modismos de esta lista son bastante similares a los modismos del idioma inglés, mientras que otros son exclusivamente rusos. cada idioma está acompañado por una traducción literal, así como su significado figurativo.

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взять себя в руки

pronunciación : vzyat 'sibya v ruki

traducción literal : tomarse en manos

significado : reponerse; calmarse

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сесть в лужу

pronunciación : syest 'v loozhu

traducción literal : sentarse en un charco

significado : avergonzarse

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шутки в сторону

pronunciación : shutki v storanu

traducción literal : bromas a un lado

significado : en serio

ejemplo : Шутки в сторону, я хочу тебе помочь. En serio, quiero ayudarte.

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так и быть

pronunciación : tak i byt '

traducción literal : que así sea

significado : que así sea

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уходить с головой

pronunciación : uhadit galavoy

traducción literal : salir con la cabeza

significado : estar completamente absorto / inmerso (en algo)

ejemplo : Она ушла с головой в учебу. ella se sumergió en sus estudios.

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сгорать от стыда

pronunciación : sgarat 'en stydah

traducción literal : arder de vergüenza

significado : estar mortificado

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ни пуха ни пeра

pronunciación : ni pooha ni pirah

traducción literal : ni plumón ni plumas

significado : buena suerte; Buena suerte

origen : solía desearle a alguien un esfuerzo exitoso, como una entrevista de trabajo o un examen, esta expresión proviene de la superstición de que desear buena suerte puede disuadirlo e incluso provocar un fracaso. recuerda responder con 'К чёрту!' (k tchyortoo!), que significa '¡al diablo!' si lo olvida, no se sorprenda si su simpatizante parece aterrado y le recuerda la respuesta esperada.

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смотреть правде в глаза

pronunciación : smatret 'pravdye v glazah

traducción literal : mirar la verdad a los ojos

significado : hacer frente a algo; para enfrentar la verdad

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смотреть сквозь пальцы

pronunciación : smatret 'skvoz' pal'tsy

traducción literal : mirar a través de los dedos

significado : ignorar; hacer la vista gorda

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хвататься за соломинку

pronunciación : hvatatsa za salominkoo

traducción literal : agarrar pajitas

significado : aferrarse a la paja; estar desesperado

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ни слуху, ни духу

pronunciación : ni sluhu, ni duhu

traducción literal : ni escuchado ni olía; sin rumores, sin olor

significado : no hay noticias de alguien; ni visto ni escuchado

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шутки плохи

pronunciación : shutki plohee

traducción literal : los chistes son malos (con alguien o algo)        

significado : no es broma; no ser molestado con

ejemplo : С Лёшкой шутки плохи . alexei no debe ser molestado.

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так себе

pronunciación : tak sibye

traducción literal : tan en sí mismo

significado : más o menos

ejemplo : Как дела? Да так себе. ¿Cómo están las cosas? regular.

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тьфу на тебя

pronunciación : t'foo na tibya

traducción literal : te escupo

significado : te escupo

origin: if you are visiting a small town with children, you may encounter well-meaning older ladies who seem to spit at your child while using this expression. don’t be alarmed. the expression is based on a popular russian superstition, which warns that to openly compliment someone is to provoke the wrath of gods and cause misfortune in the life of the compliment recipient.

more recently, this idiom took an alternative political meaning when it was used by billionaire alisher usmanov to address alisher navalny, an opposition politician who was investigating usmanov's wealth.

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Так темно, хоть глаз выколи

pronunciation: tak tyemnoh, hot’ glaz vykalee

literal translation: so dark you can stab my eye out

meaning: pitch black

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слово в слово

pronunciation: slovah v slovah

literal translation: word for word

meaning: exactly as written

example: Повтори слово в слово. repeat word for word.

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час пик

pronunciation: chas peek

literal translation: peak hour

meaning: rush hour (as in traffic)

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тем не менее

pronunciation: tyem ni myenyeye

literal translation: nevertheless; however

meaning: nevertheless; however

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собраться с силами

pronunciation: sabrat’sa s seelami

literal translation: to gather with the forces

meaning: to regroup, to gather the strength, to get the nerve

example: Никак не могу собраться с силами. i can’t seem to get the nerve to do it.

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спустя рукава

pronunciation: spustya rukavah

literal translation: with sleeves pulled down

meaning: (to do a task) carelessly, negligently

origin: this idiom comes from the times when members of the aristocracy (the boyars) wore clothing with sleeves almost as long as the floor, making it impossible to do any physical work unless they rolled up their sleeves.

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час от часу

pronunciation: chas at chasu

literal translation: from one hour to the next

meaning: just keeps getting better (sarcastic)

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язык хорошо подвешен

pronunciation: yazyk harasho padvyeshen

literal translation: the tongue is well-hung

meaning: eloquent, talkative; in possession of the gift of gab

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ставить в тупик

pronunciation: stavit’ v toopeek

literal translation: to put one into a cul-de-sac

meaning: to confound someone, to puzzle

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сколько душе угодно

pronunciation: skol’ka dusheh ugodna

literal translation: as much as the soul wants

meaning: as much as you want

example: Пой сколько душе угодно. you can sing to your heart’s content.

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становиться на ноги

pronunciation: stanaveetsa na naghee

literal translation: to stand on one’s own feet

meaning: to get well; to be self-sufficient

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чего доброго

pronunciation: chivo dobrava

literal translation: by something good

meaning: for all i know; god forbid

example: Еще заявится, чего доброго. god forbid he comes over.

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сложа руки

pronunciation: slazhah rukee

literal translation: to have one’s hands in one’s lap

meaning: to sit idly, to do nothing

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сложить голову

pronunciation: slazhit’ golavu

literal translation: to lay down one’s head

meaning: to sacrifice one's life

example: Александр Иванов сложил голову в битве под Полтавой. aleksandr ivanov laid down his head in the battle of poltava.

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стоять на своем

pronunciation: stayat’ na svayom

literal translation: to stand on one’s own

meaning: to insist; to stand one’s ground

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смотреть в оба

pronunciation: smatret’ v ohbah

literal translation: to look through both (eyes)

meaning: to keep one’s eyes peeled; to be on the lookout

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строить замки из песка

pronunciation: stroeet’ zamkee iz piskah

literal translation: to build sandcastles

meaning: to have unrealistic hopes

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уму непостижимо

pronunciation: oomoo ni pastizheemah

literal translation: the mind cannot comprehend it

meaning: to baffle; to boggle the mind

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ума не приложу

pronunciation: oomah ni prilazhoo

literal translation: i would not apply my mind

meaning: i have no idea

example: Ума не приложу, куда он запропастился. i have no idea where it/he has gone.

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пальцем не трогать

pronunciation: pal’tsem ni trogat’

literal translation: to not be touched with a finger

meaning: to not lay a finger (on something)

example: И чтоб пальцем его не трогал! and don’t you lay a finger on him!

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на худой конец

pronunciation: na hoodoy kanets

literal translation: at the bad end

meaning: if worst comes to worst

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лица нет

pronunciation: leetsah nyet

literal translation: no face

meaning: to be a terrible sight; to look pale as a ghost

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сбивать с толку

pronunciation: sbeevat’ s tolkoo

literal translation: to push off the sense

meaning: to obfuscate, to befuddle, to confuse

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Я тебе покажу, где раки зимуют

pronunciation: yah tebbe pokazhu gdeh raki zimuyut

literal translation: i am going to show you where lobsters spend the winter.

meaning: an abtract threat, e.g. "or else"

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руки не доходят

pronunciation: rukee ni dahohdyat

literal translation: the hands don’t reach it

meaning: to not find the time to do (something)

example: Да все до уборки руки не доходят. i can never get around to cleaning.

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какими судьбами

pronunciation: kakeemee sud’bahmee

literal translation: by which fates

meaning: how surprising to meet you here

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