Mejore su vocabulario francés con este diccionario de audio
desarrolle su vocabulario francés estudiando palabras comunes en francés que comienzan con las letras a, by c. escuche la pronunciación de estas palabras y practique su uso en contexto.
palabras en francés que comienzan con un
una | la letra a | |
abaisser | tirar / empujar hacia abajo, bajar | |
abandonarné | (adj) - abandonado, en desuso; relajado | |
abattre | para jalar hacia abajo; sacrificar; debilitar | |
un abcès | absceso | |
À bientôt | Te veo pronto | |
s ' abonner à | suscribirse, comprar un abono | |
una frontera | alcanzar; acercarse a, aproximarse; puesta en marcha, asumir | |
aboutir | para triunfar; terminar | |
abracadabrant | (adj) - increíble, absurdo | |
un abri | refugio | |
abrutir | agotar, amortiguar la mente | |
ausente | (adj) - ausente, faltante, perdido | |
acadie | acadia | |
accablant | (adj) - agotador, opresivo, abrumador | |
un accélérateur | acelerador | |
les accessoires (m) | accesorios | |
accro | (inf adj) - enganchado, adicto | |
une accroche | introducción, frase clave, título | |
l ' acharnement (m) | ferocidad, furia, determinación | |
les achats (m) | compras | |
à côté de | cerca de | |
un acteur | actor | |
actif | (adj) - activo | |
l ' actif (m) | activos, créditos | |
une actrice | Actriz | |
actualidad (f) | eventos actuales, noticias | |
l ' suma (f) | La cuenta | |
adélaïde | Adelaida | |
adèle | adela | |
À demain | Nos vemos mañana | |
adiós | despedida | |
un (e) ado | (inf) - adolescente | |
adrien | adrian | |
adrienne | Adriana | |
à droite | derecho | |
un aeroport (m) | aeropuerto | |
affadir | para hacer insípido, aburrido, poco interesante, incoloro | |
une affiche | póster | |
afficher | publicar, exhibir, alardear | |
affubler | usar algo extraño (como disfrazarse) | |
africain (e) | africano | |
agathe | agatha | |
Inés | Inés | |
à gauche | izquierda | |
l ' agneau (m) | Cordero | |
une agrafe | grapa | |
une agrafeuse | stapler | |
agréable | nice, pleasant, pleasing | |
agréger | to aggregate, incorporate | |
ah bon | (interj) - oh really? (not "oh good") | |
aidez-moi ! | help! | |
aimé | (loved) | |
aimée | amy, (loved) | |
à la carte | side order (not part of le menu) | |
alain | alan, allen | |
alambiqué | (adj) - convoluted, involved, obsure | |
À la prochaine | until next time | |
à la rigueur | (adv) - or even, if need be | |
alexandre | alexander | |
alexandrie | alexandria | |
alexis | ||
alfred | alfred | |
algérien(ne) | algerian | |
alice | alice | |
alix | alex | |
alléchant | (adj) - mouth-watering, tempting, enticing | |
allergique à ... | allergic to... | |
une alliance | wedding ring | |
allô ? | hello? | |
alourdir | to weigh/load down, to make heavy | |
alphonse | alfonso | |
un amant | lover | |
une amante | lover | |
un amateur | amateur, lover of | |
amaury | ||
amélie | amelia | |
améliorer | to improve | |
américain(e) | american | |
un(e) ami(e) | friend | |
amical | (adj) - friendly | |
les amis | the friends | |
amitié (f) | friendship, liking, kindness | |
l'amour | love | |
une ampleur | fullness, liberalness, opulence; scale, extent | |
anaïs | ||
un ananas | pineapple | |
anastasie | anastasia | |
les anchois | anchovies | |
les anciens élèves | former students | |
andré | andrew | |
andrée | andrea | |
anéantir | to annihilate, destroy; to overwhelm, overcome | |
une anesthésie locale | local anesthesia | |
anglais(e), l'anglais | english | |
anglo-saxon | (adj) - of or relating to british civilization | |
une anicroche | (inf) - hitch, snag, problem | |
animer | to lead, conduct; drive, encourage; liven up | |
animé | (adj) - busy, lively, animated | |
anne | ann | |
l'anniversaire de mariage | wedding anniversary | |
un annuaire | phone book | |
anonymat (m) | anonymity | |
un anorak | ski jacket | |
anouk | ||
antoine | anthony | |
antoinette | antoinette | |
anton | ||
août | august | |
à peine | (adv) - hardly, barely | |
un apéritif | cocktail | |
à point | medium-rare | |
un appart | (fam) - apartment, flat | |
un appel en p.c.v. | collect call | |
appeler | to call | |
apprivoiser | to tame, domesticate, make more sociable | |
appui (m) | support | |
après être venu | after having come | |
l'arabe | arabic | |
l'argenterie (f) | silverware | |
une armoire | closet | |
arnaquer | (fam) - to swindle, rip off; to nab, arrest | |
arnaud | ||
arnaude | ||
arracher | to lift, tear out/off, pull up/out; to snatch | |
un arrêt | stop | |
arrière (m) | back, stern | |
en arrière | behind, backward | |
les arrivées | arrivals | |
un arrondissement | district; rounding, swelling | |
arroser | to water, spray, (inf) - to drink to | |
arthur | arthur | |
un artichaut | artichoke | |
un(e) artiste | artist | |
asiatique | asian | |
les asperges (f) | asparagus | |
assez | fairly | |
assez utile | fairly useful | |
une assiette | plate | |
assoupir | to make drowsy | |
s'assoupir | to doze off | |
assuré | (adj) - confident | |
astreindre | to compel, force | |
astrid | ||
à ta santé | cheers | |
atavique | (adj) - atavistic, hereditary | |
à temps partiel | (adv, adj) - part-time | |
à tes souhaits | bless you (after a sneeze) | |
un atout | asset, trump card | |
À tout à l'heure | see you soon | |
un attentat | murder attempt, attack | |
attention ! | (interj) - warning! watch out! | |
une aubergine | eggplant | |
audrey | audrey | |
au fait | by the way; informed of; get to the point! | |
auguste | augustus | |
augustin | augustus | |
auparavant | (adv) - beforehand, previously | |
au pif | as a rough guess, at random | |
aurélie | ||
aurore | (dawn) | |
autant | (adv) - as much/many, so much/many | |
une auto | car | |
une autoroute | highway | |
l'auto-stop (m) | hitchhiking | |
auprès de | (prep) - next to, compared with, in the view of | |
au revoir | good-bye | |
au secours ! | help! | |
au téléphone | on the phone | |
australien(ne) | australian | |
l'autobus | bus | |
automne | autumn | |
avant hier | the day before yesterday | |
avec elle | with her | |
avenant | (adj) - pleasant, welcoming | |
un aventurier | adventurer | |
avéré | (adj) - known, recognized | |
s'avérer | to turn out (that) | |
l'avion | plane | |
un avocat, une avocate | lawyer (barrister) | |
avoir | to have | |
avoir faim | to be hungry | |
avoir soif | to be thirsty | |
à vos souhaits | bless you (after a sneeze) | |
à votre santé | cheers | |
avouer | to avow, confess, admit | |
avril | april |
french words that start with b
b | letter b |
un baba cool | (inf) - hippy |
le babeurre | buttermilk |
le bac | le baccalauréat; ferry, tub, trough, vat |
bâcler | to botch, scamp, throw together |
badiner | to banter, jest |
des bagages | luggage |
la bagarre | fight, brawl |
bagarrer | (inf) - to fight, clash, argue |
bagatelle | trinket |
une bagnole | (inf) - car |
une bague | ring |
une bague de fiançailles | engagement ring |
une baguette | french bread, baton, chopstick |
un bahut | sideboard; (inf) - school, taxi, truck |
une baignoire | bathtub |
un bain | bathtub |
le bain moussant | bubble bath |
baiser | to kiss; (vulgar slang) - to outdo, to be had; to have sex |
balader | (inf) - to trail around, to take for a walk |
un balai | broom, brush |
balbutier | to stammer, babble |
le balcon | balcony |
balèze | brawny, strapping |
une balise | beacon, buoy, sign |
les balivernes (f) | nonsense |
une balle | bullet, ball, shot |
une banane | banana |
un banc | a bench, seat; shoal/school (of fish) |
bancaire | (adj) bank |
bandant | (fam adj) - sexy, interesting |
une bande | band, strip, bandage, line, group; (inf) - a bunch of, pack of |
la banlieue | suburbs, outskirts |
la banque | bank |
la baraque | shed, hut, stand, stall; (inf) - a shack, digs, dump |
le baratin | (inf) - sweet talk, chatter |
une barbiche | goatee |
barrer | to bar, block, close, cross out |
une barrette | barrette |
des bas (m) | stockings |
la base (demaquillage) | foundation |
le basket | basketball |
le baume démêlant | conditioner |
bavarder | to chat, chatter; (inf) - to blab |
baver | to dribble, to leak; (fam) - to have a hard time |
baveux | (adj) - dribbly, slobbery, runny, blurry |
une bavure | smudge, smear, hitch, flaw |
béant | (adj) gaping, wide-open |
beau | (adj) - handsome |
beau | (adj) - nice out |
beaucoup | very much, many, a lot |
un beauf | (fam) - brother-in-law; a small-minded person |
beaujolais nouveau | |
bec | beak, bill, nib |
bée | (in bouche bée) open-mouthed |
bégayer | to stammer, stutter |
un béguin | (inf) - crush, fancy, also a bonnet |
belge | belgian |
belle | (adj) - pretty |
bénévole | (adj) - volunteer, unpaid |
un bénévole | volunteer |
bénir | to bless, to thank god for |
benjamin | benjamin |
le benjamin | the youngest child, youngest son |
benoît | benedict |
une béquille | crutch, kick-stand, (nautical) prop, shore |
bercer | to rock, cradle |
la berezina | disaster |
berk | (inf exclamation) - yuck! |
bernadette | |
bernard | bernard |
berner | to fool, hoax, dupe |
bertrand | bertrand, bertram |
la besogne | work, task, job |
(avoir) besoin de | to need |
une bestiole | bug, creepy crawler |
bête | (adj) - stupid, silly, foolish |
une bête | animal, insect, creature |
une bêtise | stupidity, mistake, blunder, silly thing, nonsense |
le béton | concrete |
le beurre | butter |
une bévue | blunder |
un bibelot | trinket, knick-knack, curio |
un biberon | baby bottle |
bicher | (inf) - to be pleased with oneself |
bichonner | to pamper |
une bicyclette | bicycle |
bidon | can, tin, flask |
bidonner | (fam) to split one's sides laughing |
bidule | (inf) contraption, whatsit; what's-his-name |
bien | good, moral, right, healthy |
bien cuit | well done |
bien étrange | quite strange |
la bière | beer |
le bifteck | steak |
les bijoux (m) | jewelry |
un bikini | bikini |
le bilan | assessment, results, balance sheet |
un billet | ticket; bill, note (money) |
un billet aller-retour | round trip ticket |
un billet simple | one-way ticket |
biologique | (adj) - biological, organic |
bis | grayish-brown; (music) repeat; (address) ½, a |
le biscuit | cookie |
(année) bissextile | leap (year) |
le bizutage | (school slang) hazing, ragging |
blafard | pale, pallid, wan |
une blague | a joke, trick, blunder |
blanc | white |
la blanchisserie | laundromat |
un blason | coat of arms, heraldry |
un bled | (inf, even slang) - village, dump, godforsaken place |
blesser | to wound, hurt, injure; to offend |
bleu | blue, rare |
bleu clair | light blue |
bleu foncé | dark blue |
bloc | block, unit, group, pad (of paper) |
blond | (adj) - blond |
un blouson | jacket |
bluffer | (inf) - to bluff, try it on, fool |
un bobo | (inf, baby language) - boo boo, owie, wound |
une bobonne | (inf and somewhat archaic) - missus, dearie |
boire | to drink |
le bois | wood |
une boisson | drink |
une boîte | box, can; (inf) - nightclub; job, office; school |
boiter | to limp, to wobble, to be shaky |
un bol | bowl |
bon | good |
ah bon | (interj) - oh really? (not "oh good") |
bon appétit ! | enjoy your meal |
les bonbons (m) | candy |
bonjour | hello |
bonne nuit | goodnight |
bonsoir | good evening |
bordeaux | |
un bordel | (fam) - mess, chaos; (literal) - brothel |
borné | (adj) - narrow-minded, limited |
bosser | (inf) - to work, slog, slave away |
des bottes (f) | boots |
le bottin | directory, phonebook, yellow pages |
bouc | billy goat, goatee |
la bouche | mouth |
une bouchée | mouthful |
boucher | to cork, plug, block |
un boucher | butcher |
la boucherie | butcher shop |
bouchon | cork, stopper, plug, cap; traffic jam |
bouclé | (adj) - curly |
une boucle d'oreille | earring |
un bouclier | shield |
bouder | to sulk, keep away from |
boudiné | (adj) - bursting out of |
la boue | mud |
bouffer | to be full, have volume, (fam) - to wolf-down, gobble |
bougrement | (inf) terribly, really, very |
bouillant | (adj) boiling, scalding, fiery, hotheaded |
un boulanger une boulangère | baker |
la boulangerie | bakery |
boulot | (adj) - chubby, tubby |
le boulot | (informal) - work, the daily grind |
boum | (interj) - boom!, bang! |
un boum | bang, tremendous success |
une boum | party |
un bouquin | (inf) - book |
bourré | (adj) - stuffed, packed; (fam) - drunk, plastered |
un bourreau | torturer |
une bourrique | donkey; (inf) - blockhead, pigheaded person |
la bourse | scholarship, grant; second-hand sale |
bousculer | to jostle, bump into; to hurry, pressure; to liven up |
la boustifaille | (fam) - grub, nosh, chow |
une bouteille | bottle |
une boutique hors taxes | duty-free |
un bouton de manchette | cufflink |
un boxer-short | boxer shorts |
un bracelet | bracelet |
un bracelet à breloques | charm bracelet |
brancher | to plugin, connect, link up |
branler | to shake, waggle; to be shaky, loose, unsteady |
braquer | to point, aim, turn the steering wheel |
le bras | arm |
brasser | to stir, mix, knead, shuffle; to brew |
bravitude | fullness of bravery |
brebis | ewe |
bref | (adv) - in short, to make a long story short |
brésilien(ne) | brazilian |
un brevet | diploma, certificate, patent |
le bricolage | home improvement, tinkering, diy; rush/makeshift job |
brigitte | bridget |
un brin | blade, sprig, yarn, a bit |
briser | to break, smash; ruin, wreck; tire out |
une broche | brooch |
bronzé | (adj) - tan |
la brosse à cheveux | hairbrush |
la brosse à dents | toothbrush |
se brosser | to brush |
se brosser les cheveux | to brush one's hair |
se brosser les dents | to brush one's teeth |
brouter | to graze, to nibble; (slang) to be annoying |
bruiner | to drizzle |
brûlures | burn, burning sensation |
brun | (adj) - brown (hair, eyes) |
bruno | |
brut | (adj) - uncut, rough, crude, raw |
bu | drank |
la bûche | log |
bûcher | to slog away at, to swot up; (canada) to fell, cut down |
le bureau | office, study |
le bureau de change | money exchange |
buriner | to engrave, chisel |
un but | goal, aim, purpose, destination |
buter | to stumble; (fam) - to bump off, kill |
french words that start with c
c | the letter c | |
ça | (indefinite demonstrative pronoun) that, it | |
cabernet | ||
une cabine téléphonique | phone booth | |
Ça bouge ? | how's it going? | |
le caca | poo poo, feces | |
une cacahouète | peanut, monkey nut | |
un cache-nez | muffler | |
un cachet | tablet, pill; stamp, seal, postmark; style, character | |
un cadeau | present | |
le cadet | youngest child, youngest son | |
cadre | frame, container, box, setting, framework, manager | |
le café | coffee | |
un cahier | notebook | |
un caissier, unecaissière | cashier | |
une calculatrice | calculator | |
un caleçon | underwear | |
le calendrier | calendar | |
caler | to wedge, lock; to prop up; (inf) - to fill up (with food); to give in/up | |
se caler | to plant/settle oneself | |
calfeutrer | to fill, to stop up, to stop drafts | |
se calfeutrer | to shut oneself away, to make oneself snug | |
un calque | tracing, carbon copy, spitting image, loan translation | |
camille | ||
canadien(ne) | canadian | |
le canal dentaire | root canal | |
un canapé | couch | |
cancaner | to gossip, to quack | |
la canicule | scorching heat, heatwave | |
la canine | canine tooth | |
cantonner | to station, quarter, confine | |
un cap | (geography) - cape, point, headland | |
capucine | (nasturtium) | |
carburer | (fam) - to go, to be | |
une carie | cavity | |
un carnet de chèques | checkbook | |
caroline | caroline | |
la carotte | carrot | |
Ça roule ? | how's it going? | |
un carrefour | crossroads, junction, intersection, forum (lit and fig) | |
la carte | map, menu | |
la carte d'embarquement | ||
un carton | box | |
cartonner | (inf) - to smash into, to do really well/poorly | |
se casser | to break; (inf) - to work at; (fam) - to split, take off | |
casseur | rioter; (fam) burglar; scrap dealer | |
catherine | catherine, katherine | |
un cauchemar | nightmare | |
causer | to cause, (inf) to chat | |
Ça va | fine | |
Ça va ? | how are you? | |
Ça va bien | i'm doing well | |
Ça va mal | not well | |
cécile | cecilia | |
une ceinture | belt, cummerbund | |
le céleri | celery | |
célina | ||
céline | ||
censé | (adj) - supposed to | |
cent | 100 | |
une cerise | cherry | |
certes | (formal adv) - certainly, admittedly, of course | |
cesser | to cease, stop, bring to an end | |
c'est | it is | |
c'est-à-dire | that is | |
c'est à votre goût ? | is everything ok? | |
c'est ... à l'appareil. | ... is calling. | |
c'est de la part de .... | ... is calling. | |
c'est de la part dequi ? | who is calling? | |
c'est formidable ! | it's great! | |
c'est incroyable ! | it's incredible! | |
c'est quoi | ||
c'est terminé | ||
c'était magnifique ! | it was wonderful! | |
cette phrase | ||
chablis | ||
une chaîne stéréo | stereo | |
une chaise | chair | |
un châle | shawl | |
chaleureux | (adj) - warm, hearty | |
la chambre | bedroom | |
un champ | field, area (literally and figuratively) | |
champagne | ||
le champignon | mushroom | |
change | ||
changer | ||
chantal | ||
le chantier | building site, job site, depot; (inf) - shambles, mess | |
chapeau ! | (interj) - well done! congrats! | |
un chapeau | hat, introductory paragraph | |
le charabia | (inf) - gibberish, gobbledygook | |
la charcuterie | pork butcher | |
charger | to load, overload; to put in charge of | |
chariot | ||
charles | charles | |
charlot | charlie | |
charlotte | charlotte | |
charnière | (adj) - turning (point), transitional, linking | |
charnu | ||
un charpentier | carpenter | |
charrier | to cart along, carry; (inf) - to kid; (fam) - to go too far | |
la chasse | hunting | |
châtain | (adj) - brown (hair) | |
chateua neuf du pape | ||
châtier | to refine, perfect; (religion) - to chasten, mortify; (literary) - to punish | |
chatouiller | to tickle | |
chaud | (adj) - hot | |
chaud froid | ||
chausser | to put shoes on, to fit | |
des chaussettes (f) | socks | |
des chaussures (f) | shoes | |
des chaussures à hauts talons (f) | high-heeled shoes | |
un(e) chef | cook | |
une chemise | shirt; file folder | |
une chemise de nuit | nightgown | |
un chemisier | blouse | |
chenin | ||
chèque | ||
chéri(e) | dear, sweetheart | |
le chevet | head of the bed, bedside | |
les cheveux | hair | |
une cheville | ankle; dowel, peg, hook | |
chevronné | (adj) - seasoned, experienced | |
chez | (prep) - at the home/office of; in the work/mind of; among | |
chez elle | at her house | |
chez moi | at my house | |
une chiffe | spineless or weak person; (archaic) - rag, old cloth | |
chinois(e), le chinois | chinese | |
un chiot | puppy | |
le chocolat | chocolate | |
le chocolat chaud | hot chocolate | |
le chômage | unemployment | |
choper | (fam) - to pinch, nick, steal; to catch | |
choquer | to shock, appall, offend; to shake-up | |
le chou | cabbage, also a term of endearment | |
chouette | (inf adj) - cute, smashing, nice | |
une chouette | owl | |
le chou-fleur | cauliflower | |
chouïa | (informal) tiny bit, smidgin | |
christelle | ||
christian | ||
christiane | ||
christine | christine | |
christophe | christopher | |
chuchoter | to whisper, murmur | |
chute | fall, waterfall, collapse/downfall, loss | |
une cible | target, goal, purpose | |
ci-joint | (adv in correspondence) - enclosed, attached | |
le cinéma | movie theater | |
le cinoche | (inf) - the pictures, movies | |
cinq | 5 | |
cinquante | 50 | |
circuler | to go, move | |
citer | to quote, cite; to use as an example; summon (law) | |
un citron | lemon | |
le citron pressé | lemonade | |
un citron vert | lime | |
claire | claire, clara | |
classe | ||
classe touriste | ||
un classeur | binder, filing cabinet | |
claude | claude, claudia | |
claudine | claudia | |
un clébard | (inf, pejorative) - mutt, hound, dog | |
la clef (or clé) | key; spanner, wrench; (music) - peg, clef | |
clémence | (clemency) | |
le clignotant | turn signal | |
clocher | to be defective, to have something wrong | |
un clocher | steeple | |
clou | nail, stud, boil, highlight/star attraction | |
club | ||
cognac | ||
coiffer | to do someone's hair | |
se coiffer | to do one's own hair, to put something on one's head | |
coincé | (adj) - stuck; (inf) - unable to act; hung up, inhibited | |
la colère | (fit of) anger, rage | |
colette | ||
un colis | parcel, package | |
un collant | pantyhose, tights | |
colle | ||
un collège | high school | |
coller | to stick, glue; (inf) - to shove; (pej) - to give; to fail, catch out | |
un collier | necklace | |
collision | ||
coltiner | to carry, lug around | |
combien coûte ... ? | how much does ... cost? | |
une combinaison | slip | |
comble | (adj) - full, packed | |
le comble | height (figurative); last straw; roof trussing/timbers | |
commander | to order | |
comme ci, comme ça | so-so | |
comment | how | |
comment ? | what? | |
comment allez-vous ? | how are you? | |
comment cela s'écrit | how do you spell that? | |
comment ça va ? | how are you? | |
comment dit-on ... en français ? | how do you say ___ in french? | |
comment est-il ? | what's he like? | |
comment t'appelles-tu ? | what's your name? | |
comment vas-tu ? | how are you? | |
comment vous appelez-vous ? | what's your name? | |
le commissariat | police station | |
une commode | dresser | |
compagnie | ||
complet | no vacancy | |
composer un numéro | to dial a number | |
un comprimé | (medicine) pill, tablet | |
un compte | count, amount; account | |
un compte-chèques | checking account / cheque account | |
compter | ||
concept | ||
le concombre | cucumber | |
un conducteur | driver | |
conduire | to drive | |
la confiserie | candy store | |
la confiture | jam | |
confondre | to confuse, mix up; astound | |
conformément | (adv) in accordance (with), according (to), in order to conform with/match | |
confortable | (adj) - comfortable *but not for people, use à l'aisé | |
confus | (adj) - embarrassed, ashamed | |
le congé | holiday, vacation, leave; (job) notice | |
conjoint | (adj) - joint, linked, related | |
un/e conjoint/e | spouse | |
connaître la musique | ||
un connard | (familiar) - idiot, jerk, schmuck | |
consacrer | to devote, dedicate; establish, sanction | |
constance | constance | |
constater | to note, notice, record, certify | |
une contrepartie | compensation, exchange | |
contrôle de sécurité | ||
convoiter | to covet, lust after | |
cool | (inf) - cool | |
un copain | (inf) - mate, buddy, boyfriend | |
une copine | girlfriend | |
coq | ||
une coqueluche | (figurative) darling, sweetheart, idol | |
une coquille | shell (literally and figuratively) | |
coquin | (adj) - mischievous, malicious; risqué, racy | |
un(e) coquin | a mischievous or malicious child | |
corinne | ||
le corps | body | |
une corvée | chore, drudgery; military duty; (in canada) - volunteer work | |
cossu | (adj) well-off, opulent | |
un costard | (inf) - man's suit | |
costaud | (inf adj) - sturdy, strong | |
un costaud | strong man, something strong (e.g., alcohol, house) | |
un costume | suit | |
côtoyer | to be next to, rub shoulders with; to move alongside; (fig) - to be close to | |
le cou | neck | |
le coude | elbow | |
couler | to flow, run | |
les couleurs | colors | |
le couloir | hall | |
coup de feu | ||
courageux | (adj) - brave | |
couronne | ||
le courriel | ||
courrier | ||
le courrier arrivé | inbox | |
le courrier départ | outbox | |
un cours | course | |
court | (adj) - short | |
un cousin | male cousin | |
une cousine | female cousin | |
un couteau | knife | |
une craie | chalk | |
un crapaud | toad; flaw (in a gem); (inf) - brat, child | |
crapoter | (inf) - to smoke without inhaling, ~ to puff | |
une cravate | tie | |
un crayon | pencil | |
crédit | ||
la crème | cream | |
la crème à raser | shaving cream | |
la crème brûlée | custard | |
la crème caramel | flan | |
la crème fraîche | very thick cream | |
la crème hydratante | moisturizer | |
un créneau | parallel parking space; gap, niche, slot | |
un creux | hollow, hole; slack period | |
crevé | (adj) - punctured, burst; (fam) - exhausted | |
criant | (adj) - blatant, striking, shocking | |
crise cardiaque | ||
crisper | to tense, to get on someone's nerves | |
le croissant | croissant | |
une cuillère | spoon | |
une cuillère à soupe | tablespoon | |
une cuillère à thé | teaspoon | |
la cuisine | kitchen, cooking | |
une cuisinière | stove | |
culotté | (inf adj) - cheeky, sassy | |
la cupidité | greed | |
une cuve | vat, tank | |
le cyclisme | biking |